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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vanilla or Chocolate?

Vanilla or chocolate? Baseball or football? Tennis or golf?
You can bet your bottom dollar the two democrats running for
governor had never been asked to pick one or the other and when they
did, you could tell that Virg Bernero and Andy Dillon really don't have
much in common.
Thanks to Frank Beckmann over at WJR for asking them.
He also inquired as to the most influential person in their
political and personal lives. Again a 180 difference.
Bernero selected the women in his life. His aunt Betty who runs
the Waterford township clerks office gets credit for turning him into
the politician he is today and on the personal side his mom and now his
wife get the nod.
Dillon felt his father had shaped him the most on both counts.
The House Speaker says Judge Dillon had "discipline and compassion" and
a good balance of both.
Even more differences emerged as the radio interview went on.
What did you want to be as a kid?
Bernero, like many, wanted to be a cop and then later on "maybe
president." No sense shooting too low.
Dillon was more cerebral as a kid hoping to land a job as a
businessman, work in government and finance. "I've done them all," he
told Beckmann.
The radio guy asked about practicing in front of a mirror to
prepare for a political assignment? Dillon said no and tacked on, "I
probably should have done more of that." It would have come in handy
now on the stump.
And what would you change about yourself?
Bernero has said this before, "I always strive to be more
diplomatic…I can ruffle some feathers." He's got that right.
And Dillon blurted out, "get out of government."
Maybe he was joking, maybe he wasn't thinking, but the answer
was probably spot on. He really does not like politics that much and
almost never got into it and here he is running for governor.
It was a telling answer and for some, it leaves you wondering if
he'd be crushed if he lost? Bernero, who has wanted to do this all his
life, probably would be.
As for the questions in the first sentence. Bernero is vanilla,
baseball and tennis. And you guessed it, Dillon is chocolate, football
and golf.
Two peas in a pod, these guys ain't. (sic)


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