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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Um's and Ah's

The popular wisdom suggests that the GOP candidate for governor
has some major fence mending to conduct if he is going to bring ultra
conservative and Right to Life voters back into the fold.
You can see how the popular wisdom crowd reaches that
conclusion: 50% of the Republicans who voted last week rejected Snyder.
There was just a hint of that in the Michigan Senate where a
one-of-its-kind survey was done this week. 18 of the 22 GOP senators
was asked if they now supported Snyder since they voted for somebody
15 were ready to sign up pronto.
"Sure. I think Rick Snyder is a good guy," opined Sen. Mike
Nofs of Battle Creek.
"Sure," echoes one of the more senior members of the senate GOP
club. Sen. Ron Jelinek of Three Oaks.
Senate GOP leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) falls in line
noting, "I've already endorsed Rick Snyder. It's time to bring in an
outside person."
But then there is a minority view which may be reflective of
the 14% of statewide Republicans who are not supporting Snyder at this
early stage.
Take Algonac Senator Jud Gilbert. Asked if he backed Snyder on
camera, he paused: "Um, I guess I'd like to hear a little bit more
about him. Um, I think at the end of the day, I'll certainly, ah, be a
supporter of his."
Why all the "um's" and "ah's"?
"I'd like to hear his position on life explained a little more
clearer," he explains.
Grand Rapids Senator Bill Hardiman is out of the same pro-life
mold and wants to chat with Snyder about that issue, too.
And Sen. Wayne Kuipers (R-West Michigan) expects to be on board
as does Haridman but was asked if he was comfortable with Snyder?
First a pause and then another, "Um. Yes. I know there's been
some questions on the life issue which is a little troublesome."
Kuipers wants to talk with Snyder as well.
Multiply those three senators by, who knows how many other
Republicans like them, and Mr. S. has some work to do even though he
says he is anti-abortion.
Now those who have questions won't vote for the Democratic
nominee, the pro-choice Virg Bernero. But they do have another option
i.e. not voting.


Blogger LambertsOnline said...

Tim, there you go again. "Ultra conservative?" I don't think I've ever heard you use the term "ultra liberal?" Well?

August 13, 2010 at 1:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lansing Mayor is going to lose big in November. I don't know anything about Snyder but I heard the other guy and he just sounds to angry when he complains about "Big Business". After the last 8 yrs I would say we need some business in this state.

August 14, 2010 at 4:22 PM 

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