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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Thin Man

    The first time former Gov. John Engler ran for governor he must have shed over 100 pounds of his excess baggage and he won.
    Lt. Governor John Cherry has peeled off 55 pounds from his previous 265 pound frame on his way to losing another 55.
    Could it be he is hoping to replicate Engler's victory?
    "I made a decision last year that if I was to be a candidate, there were several things I needed to do and one was to improve my health."
     The mere-shadow-of-his-former-self seems to be on the road to doing just that.
     "I feel a lot better now," he smiles as the issue of running for governor is quickly linked to his desire to replace Jennifer Granholm.
      Cherry laughs at the linkage but acknowledges the importance of image in the political game.
      He admits he lost the weight in part to "look more presentable."
      Frankly at a hefty 265, Cherry looked anything but presentable with the bottom button on his three piece suit busting out along with his dun-lap disease…you know his stomach dun-lap over his belt.
     In addition to counting calories going into his mouth, he has stopped something else from going in there, too.
     "I quit smoking last year around April," he boasts and unlike President-elect Obama, Cherry has not fallen off the wagon.
      "That's what's amazing," he boasts.
      "Whether I run or not, it's got to be a plus for me," he confides.
       The new John Cherry is now the thin man and on his way to maybe becoming the thin governor.
       Maybe like his current boss who is thin, perhaps his next goal will be to add a mold on his cheek, too?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is John looking at a mold on his face or was the mold on some snacks he left in his desk. Mole has at least three definitions; something like the world is made of three kinds of people, those that can count and those that can't.
Roger E.

January 8, 2009 at 5:53 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt. Gov. John Cherry is a great
person and is everybody's best
brother.He is not the glamor
As a State Representative from 2000-2006,I personally observed
John Cherry negotiate, compromise and bring to consensus many legislative budget deals.
Lt. Gov. John Cherry is a "Master
of the Legislative Process" and I
am very glad to strongly endorse
him for Governor in 2010.
By John C. Stewart-D Plymouth

January 8, 2009 at 11:54 AM 

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