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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Look For Your Fuzzy Dice

If you were really cool in the 50's and 60's you had fuzzy dice
hanging from your rear view mirror. They would dangle back and forth
as you cruised around the local drive in looking for whatever.
In stepped the cops, as they are want to do, and declared them a
driving hazard and up to this day they remain illegal.
Well if Sen. Ron Jelinek has his way, you can pull the fuzzy dice
out of moth balls as a senate committee cleared the way for a vote next
week to legalize them and other items, too.
"As long as they don't hinder your view" they are O.K. reports Sen.
Jud Gilbert (R-Algonac) who ushered the thing through his
transportation committee.
The proposal would also allow the display of high school and
college graduation tassels and even garters, if you are so inclined.
Of course below the radar of this debate was the "reason" the
cops wanted this law in the first place. It was another reason to pull
you over with hopes of slapping you with another offense.
Back in the 50's, they were looking for booze in the back seat.
Today, God only knows what they might find back there.
But regardless the state police signed off on the bill which may
clear the way for passage in both houses.
Let's hear it for fuzzy dice.
But don=E
2t rejoice for long. The cops have an eye on your
blackberry next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...they managed to get this taken care of but can't see fit to pass a budget for schools. Go figure...

October 8, 2009 at 6:55 PM 

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