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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Loyal to the Bitter End

   You've read all those stories about the moving van companies can't keep up with the demand of those who want to get the heck out of his state.  To read those reports, you would think the mass exodus has reached epic proportions.
    Think again.
    The latest FOX2 News survey reveals that 67% of us have decided to tough it out despite a record jobless rate, a seven year recession, and little if any hope for the future.  Good ridden's to the 28% of those wimps who are heading for the border.
    To an outside observer, one might conclude that since most folks want to stay here, that there is something wrong with us.  True, next question.
    But as we stay here, a majority are not prepared to cope with these challenges by hitting the bottle or the casinos.
    Check this out which will diminish our collective image as a hard hitting shot and a beer bunch of gamblers:  59% are against leaving the bars open to 4 a.m.; 67% don't want to sell booze before noon on Sunday and not all of those were from the West side of the state; 56% have said enough already with casinos as they oppose any expansion which is now the subject of a statewide petition drive.
    On other issues in the TV station survey, here's another shocker. You would think that the average Joe would want to sock it to the doctors with a three percent tax.  After all it's not that they can't afford it, but a respectable 55% say don't tax 'em.
    And when it comes to the blame game as to who is at fault for the bungled budget mess under the state capitol dome, that sigh of relief you just heard is from the governor.  Only 31% finger her for the problem while 42% blame the legislature.
   And for the 67% of you who have decided to stick around, it's going to get worse before it gets better.  Have a nice day and thanks for saying yes to Michigan.


Blogger Ralph Echtinaw said...

Good heavens! Doesn't Tim know how to spell good riddance? Here's a clue. It's not "Good ridden's ," as Tim's blog has it. Either Tim is lazy, ignorant, or way too tired, or his copy editor is drunk again.

October 31, 2009 at 7:36 AM 
Blogger D.J. O'Neill said...

Tim, I have lived in Michigan my entire life. My family has battled the bad times and enjoyed the good in Michigan. I lost my job in November of 2007. Since then, I have applied for literally hundreds of jobs, and for each one I am one of hundreds of candidates.

I did not refinance my home, borrow against it, or sign a sub-prime loan. I got a traditional mortgage 10 years ago for a modest 80k home. I paid all of my bills on time and had good credit.

Because I lost my job too far ahead of the "credit crisis", I was not one of the people who has had their benefits extended. I have had zero income in 2009. I have burned through my savings hoping that tomorrow I will land a job and start digging myself out of this. We have sold our television, electronics and even some of our clothing to make money for food, and now there is nothing left to sell.

My savings are now almost gone. I have just enough for a moving truck and a deposit on an apartment. My home is in foreclosure and we are struggling just to have money for food. We have trimmed every ounce of fat from our living budget, and there is nothing else we can do. Now, our only monthly expense are our utility bills and modest grocery expense and we cannot afford those any longer. We have no health insurance and my wife found a lump in her breast one month ago.

How DARE you refer to us as "wimps" because we are leaving the state. I am a "wimp" because I'm not willing to go as far as living in a tent-city and eating at a soup kitchen if one of my options is to earn a living in another state.

You clearly have work, and are in no position to judge those of us who are facing real and absolute destitution. If my choices are to stay in Michigan and live on the streets (I am not exaggerating, Tim, that is a real possibility for me) and to go to another state where I can find decent work and scrape out a living, I have to do what will allow my family to survive.

Fuck you for calling me a wimp for that, Tim.

November 1, 2009 at 11:30 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article as for me. It would be great to read something more about that theme.
BTW check the design I've made myself London escort

November 24, 2009 at 3:56 AM 

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