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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gov's Biggest Flaw

        Politicians share one common trait regardless of their political predalictions:  Their inability to fess up to flaws.
        Like you need a list to prove it;  Nixon, Clinton, Kilpatrick, etc. etc.
        Breaking the mold is Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who without batting an eyelash the other day conceded that her lack of legislative experience before she became governor was "my biggest flaw.  That's been my biggest liability."
       Those who are not fond of Michigan's first female governor will pounce on this confession and say, "See, we told ya so."  But if are willing to set aside your feelings, she deserves a pat on the head for venturing where others fear to go.
       The truth is, being governor is a tough assignment if you come from the outside.  The learning curve is out of sight.
      Granholm, recall, never wanted to be a politician. She landed the state Attorney General's job on her first bid for office and four years later she was running the whole state and at times her inexperience was painful to watch.
      She reflects that being A.G. had "some aspects that are good" but she quickly adds, "legislative experience is even more important."
      If Granholm is correct than GOP candidates for governor Rick Snyder and Mike Cox, heads up.  They have zippo time in the legislative trenches.  Snyder btw tells voters his lack of political experience is actually a plus coupled with his business acumen.
      Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard has it and State Senator Tom George does and West Michigan hopeful Pete Hoekstra has congressional time in grade.
      Granholm notes that her pal and Lt. Gov.John Cherry has the legislative grounding she lacked which is why she thinks he'd be a good replacement.
      Michigan voters will decide if she is right in less than a year.


Blogger Joe Nagy said...

Tim, forgive me if I'm reading your blog to literally, but the governor of the state that has been hit harder than any other on her watch deserves a pat on the head for essentially saying she didn't have the experience to do the job? And the last thing someone who didn't want to be a politician should do is run for governor of a state that saw the storm clouds on the horizon at the end of Engler's term.

Maybe you find it refreshing that Granholm is expressing some sort of honesty we haven't seen out of trouble politians in the past, but Michigan couldn't afford Granholm's learning curve. We are paying for it to this day and it looks like we will be for some time.

In my opinion, she still hasn't caught up with the curve.

November 19, 2009 at 6:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granholm started office with a Chief of Staff who was a multi client lobbyist who continued to personally profit from his wife's loobbying at his firm that still bore his name. The legislature and everyone in town knew it was joke and it was seriously damaging to her administration.

November 20, 2009 at 3:10 PM 

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