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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Apparently Richard Bernstein believes he can nail the democratic
nomination for Attorney General without the aid of the United Auto
Workers union. That's because he torched that bridge last week.
Without prompting from a pushy reporter, Mr. Bernstein of
Bernstein, Bernstein, Bernstein and Bernstein fame (come on you've seen
the TV commercials) volunteered that lots of folks in the state D party
are tired of being "pushed around and told what to do" by the UAW.
Bernstein pledged to bus load some new folks into the party mini
convention next month to wrestle the nomination from the UAW and its
candidate for A.G., David Leyton.
Leyton, the Genesee County Prosecutor, read the anti-union attack
and called it "highly disrespectful" to the union leaders who over the
years helped to create the middle class and along the way used their
backroom influence to propel this pol and that into office.
"It was out of left field,' Leyton noted while adding another note
of criticism aimed at his opponent.
Leyton recalls that when Mr. Bernstein ran for the Wayne State
Board of Governors, he secured the UAW endorsement. Now he is fighting
the very same union.
Asked if that was an example of hypocrisy in action, Leyton dove
for the high grass saying, "That's your word, not mine." Come on
councilor, you surely recognize a hypocrite when you see one?
At any rate, Bernstein's remarks have certainly been reviewed at
Solidarity House and some theorize what chance he had at the nomination
has gone out the window. The union most certainly wouldn't push people
around at the convention to make sure Bernstein doesn't beat Leyton?
Or would it?
Bernstein may have been wrong to take on the UAW but he gets high
marks for speaking his mind and he is right about one thing, "This is
going to be one hell of a convention."
Oh yeah.


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