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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kwame Kard in Play

What's the old line: For every action there is a reaction.
We're not talking about nuclear fission here, but plain old, down on
the farm, hard ball politics in the race for governor.
The first "action" was the TV commercial launched by Mike Cox. It
is an attack ad, not aimed at the personality of Pete Hoekstra, but at
his policies and votes in Congress. The commercial suggests the West
Michigan Republican is a big spender and tax waster.
The "reaction" came from John Truscott who is the mouthpiece for
In the course of picking apart the Cox spot and defending his
client, Truscott played the Kwame Kard. He was not prompted by the
media to do so; it just sort of came up, but not by accident.
"The one thing that we don't have is a lot skeletons in our
closet," Truscott began the counter reaction.
By skeletons, you mean?
"Ah, the Manoogian Mansion party and ties to Kwame Kilpatrick," he
Bam! And with that you have a dramatic sea change in the race for
By playing that card, Hoekstra seeks to damage the credibility of
his opponent who investigated the alleged party at the home of the
former Detroit Mayor and found it to be an "urban legend" or not true.
The Cox campaign manager, who knew this was coming but perhaps not
right now, was ready. Stu Sandler suggested that if the credibility of
his boss was in question, so was the credibility of the Michigan State
Police and the Wayne County Prosecutor's office which interviewed
"hundreds of people and there was no criminal evidence."
So this is not a problem, he was asked?
"This isn't a problem," he suggests.
But now that Hoekstra have gone there, they apparently want
to nuture this into a problem for Mr. Cox.
Even though most of the MSM under reported this angle or ignored it
all together, the elephant in the room is now clearly visible and we
have not seen the last of it. It could get messy in there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sKKKoop, this blog is the most important literature since Mein Kempf.

May 12, 2010 at 11:03 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truscot may have been referring to Cox's other girl friends and kids. Skoop do not fall for the Cox trick of trying to shift the focus away from the fact that Cox improperly squashed the MSP investigation to whether the deceased dancer was actually at the party. Cox's crime was cutting a secret deal with the Kwamster to kill the MSP investigation in return for Kilpatrick's help in 2006. Cox killed the investigation and Kilpatrick played the race card on the Democratic convention to get a spectacularly unqualified and unfunded opponent for Cox nominated. That the party has not been proven by MSP is only relevant to the idiot who writes what are supposed to be editorials at the Free Press.

Cox killed the MSP investigation and refused to allow the MSP to interview potential defendants or witnesses like Kwame and Carlita Kilpatrick in return for Kilpatricks help in his 2006 campaign. To allow Stewie and Cox to trash the ability of the MSP after they blocked the MSP investigation and to not call them out on it is pretty poor journalism Timmy.

May 13, 2010 at 7:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Skoop, Cox will have to answer for the Kwame stripper party fiasco. He had no business inserting himself into that mess, but he did, for whatever reason, shady politics or any other.

A big mistake, and he has to be made to pay for it. We're not paying the State AG to investigate mayors' parties, of any flavor. That's root cause here. He didn't do his job properly.

Bubbye, Mike.

May 15, 2010 at 2:10 PM 

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