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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pampered Senators

     Where you sit is important.  If the maitre d' plops you next to the kitchen entrance, the waiter gets a lousy tip.
      For years the GOP senators have had seats IN the kitchen when they showed up for Democratic Gov. Jenniefer Granholm's State of the State.
       When Democrats called the shots the senators were relegated to sitting off to the side, almost out of view and to make matters worse their view of the podium was, as they use to say at Tiger Stadium, obstructed.
       It was rough treatment for the pampered senators.
       Well Granholm is out and GOP Gov. Rick Snyder is in and the GOP senators flexed their muscles and have muscled into  new seats in the front of the Michigan House.
       You must be thinking, don't these guys have more important stuff to fret about?
        Come on gang these are politicians; this is Lansing and this is the kind of back room drama they don't want you to know about…for obvious reasons.
       Heretofore there was one row of prime seats very close to the rostrum where the governor delivers his or her message to the assembled lawmakers and statewide Public TV audience. These were reserved for First Family and relatives and that will be the case again this year, but they will have company.
       Because of all the grumbling, a second row has been added behind those seats and that's where the senators will end up…in front of all the house members, in clear view of the TV cameras, and with a clear line of sight to the governor before them.  Pass the popcorn.
       However this poises a serious challenge to the governor who must walk sideways past the two rows to get to the podium.  Good thing he doesn't weight 300 pounds. But what if pulls a Gerry Ford and stumbles or even falls?
       He can blame the egos of the GOP senators who will have a nifty view of the prat fall.  Which also means they'll be back IN the kitchen next year.  (See if that happens on your local public tv station wednesday night at 7 p.m.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The restaurant metaphor conveys another point: A matre'd can punish a wait-person by giving a bad seat to a customer who will retaliate against the one who rely's on the customer's satisfaction. Voter's also punish those they can reach not those responsible for the bad "seats".

January 18, 2011 at 12:52 PM 

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