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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Amway Guy Is Out

  Let's see…former MSU jock George Perles announces he is running for governor and lo and behold, Dick DeVos decides to drop out of the race.
    Do those dots connect?
    Of course not, but you must admit it was a clever lead paragraph.  Right?
    No, Dick DeVos unceremoniously took himself out of the 2010 running because he concluded his impact on Michigan will be more significant "outside government, instead of inside."
      He called it a family decision and the betting money is his wife Betsy was not so hot on him running again and burning up another $35 million of the family's retirement nest egg.
    Besides, this is hardly an ideal time for any millionaire to run for anything, other than his life, given the citizens' disdain for what's happening on Wall Street.
    So with DeVos and his checkbook out of play, the floodgates are open for everybody and their uncle to get into this thing who otherwise would have stayed out.
    You can round up the usual suspects:  Mike Cox, Terri Lyn Land, Congresspersons Pete Hoekstra, Candice Miller, Mike Rogers, state lawmakers Wayne Kuipers, Craig DeRoche, Mike Bishop and don't forget Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard and Domino pizza baron Dave Brandon.  To that list, who knows how many more will jump in?
    DeVos says this was a "difficult decision" given the encouragement he's received.  But for everyone listed above, it was the right decision…for them.


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