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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mackinac Inside Stories

        Here are some of the inside stories you never heard  coming out of the business conference on Mackinac Island last week.
        Local 4 anchor guy Devin Scillian was in deep-do-do.  He needed to record his "Flashpoint" program on the porch of the Grand Hotel.  Mayor Dave Bing agreed to do it at 10:30, but 10:30 came and went and no Bing.  Scillian ran into Bill Ford, Jr. and explained his predicament, but Ford's schedule was packed.
         Moments later Scillian ran into Bing on his way to meet with other regional leaders, but instead of going there, Bing diverted to the porch first. And soon after that, Mr. Ford showed up and said he could do the show, too.
         Neither Bing nor Ford was obligated to do what they did. But the fact that they helped was an act of understandin g and kindness rarely seen in this biz.  High marks to both gentlemen.
         A certain senior capitol correspondent was anchoring a forum involving six members of the Michigan Congressional delegation.  He was introduced to the audience and as he walked to the front of the room the audience sat on its hands.
         "Thank you for that warm ovation," the reporter joked and of course, everyone got off their hands and got them together.
          "No. No.  That doesn't count," the reporter lectured the group.  At which point Michigan's junior U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow said, "I applauded for you at the beginning."
            Which drew this response, "Senator you are not up for reelection for another need to suck up now."  Everyone, including Stabenow, laughed.
             In that same forum the issue of shipping Gitmo terrorists to a U.P. vacant state prison was discussed. But instead of going directly to U.P. Congressman Bart Stupak, the reporter when to other legislators first.
            Someone at Stupak's table whispered, "How come he's not coming to you? The prison is in your district."
            The congressman responded, "He's setting me up."
             And indeed that's exactly what the reporter was doing. After all the other congresspersons said they opposed the scheme, Stupak was finally interviewed to explain why he did.  The hidden agenda was, would Stupak fudge his support in light of all the opposition?  He stuck to h is guns.
             Reporter and "victim" shared a hardly laugh over the "set-up" that didn't work.
             More reflections on the Mackinac gig tomorrow.


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