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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bridge Over Troubled H2O

He had a chance to say he would not privatize the Mackinac
Bridge, but GOP candidate for governor Rick Snyder did not, which
opened the door for Virg Bernero to walk through and, of course, he did
with both feet.
Bernero flew up to Mackinac City, stood with the bridge behind
him and proceeded to poke Snyder in the eye for not killing the issue
when he had a chance to do it.
The story began with a Snyder roundtable meeting in which he
called in the "experts" on how to erase $1.6 billion in red ink.
Ironically some of the "experts" were the very ones who contributed to
the mess years ago, but then who is keeping score?
Selling off some of the state's assets was discussed.
Over the years there has been chatter about not only selling the
bridge, but the lottery and the freeway system.
So when Mr. Snyder showed up on WJR the other day, he was asked
about privatizing the bridge and he said, "We need to put everything on
the table." He did indicate that before he got to that, he had to have
a financial statement on where the state was. That's pretty much his
standard answer to just about everything.
He had the chance to say, "I would not sell the bridge." He did
not and Mr. Bernero was listening.
Within a week he was criticizing Snyder for fix'in to unload
the bridge to maybe McDonalds and then they could call it, the Big Mac
Bridge. It was Bernero at his best, or worst depending on your
political persuasion.
Caught with its flank unprotected, the Snyder spin machine went
into over drive and did what the candidate should have done in the
first place..take the darn bridge off the table.
If he didn't want to unload the bridge he should have said so.
Instead it said it was on the table. No matter how thin you slice it,
it was a flip-flop.
Score on this one? Bernero 1 and Snyder zippo.


Anonymous kgr said...

Tim, you are a fool and a Democratic political hack. This is a non issue that Benero tried to make into an issue just like sending jobs to China. Hold on Tim, you'll have lots to pick on when Rick becomes Governor in a few days.

October 29, 2010 at 7:40 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snyder could announce on WJR that he's going to sell the Mighty Mac to Ohio for six bucks and a blowjob, and he'd still beat Virg by double digits. This is less than a non-issue. Fail.

October 29, 2010 at 10:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick Snyder could sacrafice a human event on the front steps of the capital, and no one would blink. Rick Snyder could announce on national television during the Super Bowl that he's a Wiccan warlock, and Michigan would bow down to kiss his ring.

Honestly, Virg isn't running against a human, anymore. Virg is running against a impenetrable brand. Virg can't do anything.

October 29, 2010 at 2:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick just announced that once he's sworn in, he'll be suspending the state constitution and ruling by decree.

His poll numbers jumped 10 points.

October 30, 2010 at 10:40 AM 

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