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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney Out Of It

 Romney Out Of It
      Apparently it takes more than good looks and a sack of money to become president.  Or put another way, Michigan's adopted native son sure looked the part but couldn't get past the audition.
      Lansing was awash in reaction to Thursday's announcement that Mitt Romney was "suspending" his campaign.  Apparently since he hates to lose, he could not bring himself to tell the truth and admit this was not a suspension.  It was the end of the road.  Period.
      What went wrong?
      Where to begin.
      Romney never connected on an emotional level with his audiences.  He is no Barak Obama when it comes to lighting up a crowd.  If he had passion for the White House, he kept it neatly and tightly wrapped-up in his head.
      Romney was too plastic.  No one keeps his hair that coffered all the time.
      Romney was inconsistent on issues.  As much as he denied he was not a flip-flopper, the more he protested, the more the charge stuck.  He even did it in a recent debate where he sided with California on regulating auto emissions and the next morning, he said he did not.
     While he pieced together an impressive coalition of independents, far right conservatives, and moderate republicans to win in Michigan, he failed to replicate the achievement in other states.
     Romney proved once more that voters wanted more than the shop-worn mantra that, "I'm a businessman and I know how to turn things around."
     Ask Dick DeVos about that.
     So there came a point, where it didn't make sense to spend another nickel when the handwriting was on the wall.
      It just took Romney and company a little more time than usual to read it. 

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