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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wayne Who?

  Wayne Who?
      They are coming out of the woodwork these potential candidates for governor next time out.
       The latest to emerge is not exactly a household word.  In fact you're going to go, "Wayne who?"
       Wayne who, is really State Senator Wayne Kuipers from Holland.  A long shot potential candidate, Kuipers says others have suggested he take a look and he says he will.
      "I'd be interested, absolutely," he confesses.
       But first he is making all the appropriate soundings and if the word comes back that he is "crazy" to even consider a bid, he says he will factor that in.  If the feedback is more positive he adds, "We'll see where it takes us."
       If he does get in, the GOP primary in 2010 could look like a re-do of West Side Story.  That's because there could be four, count'em, four candidates from the West side of the state.
       You'd potentially have Kuipers, Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land from Grand Rapids, Congressman Pete Hoekstra from Holland, and the soapsuds guy from Ada, Dick DeVos.
        There is one school of thought in town that DeVos can again re-open his fat wallet and scare everyone else out of the race much like he did in 2006 when he ran a lack luster campaign against you know who.
        Asked if he would bail if DeVos did that, Kuipers pauses and says, "No.  I think it will be a wide open primary."
        Add Macomb County Congresswoman Candice Miller to the list. She won't be pushed around by anybody including moneybags DeVos.
        So Kuipers continue to explore while others claim he is merely trying to force Congressman Hoekstra to get into the race for governor so Kuipers can run for Hoekstra's seat in Washington.
        At any rate you now know whom "Wayne Who" is.


Blogger pjl said...

Wonder if the west side has all the GOP candidates because the mess in Detroit or because we have run out of Republicans. Wayne county, the cradle of Democratic candidates has lost its place as a maker or breaker of state-wide elections.

April 29, 2008 at 4:53 AM 

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