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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Clinton Loses Michigan To McCain

  Clinton Loses Michigan to McCain
       A lot has happened to Hillary Clinton since she racked up an impressive 55% win in Michigan last January, and none of it is good.
       If democrats want to carry this state, they better pick somebody else.  Clinton loses Michigan to John McCain by a 37% to 45% margin.  Put Barack Obama in the nomination and he defeats McCain here by a five-point margin 42%-37%.
       The latest EPIC-MRA data reveals Clinton losing to Obama in Detroit 33% to 38%, and losing to McCain in the rest of the state by a 35% to 49% spread.
       Pollster Bernie Porn suggests her negatives are rising in the after math of the misfiring over the non-firing in Bosnia.  50% of the 600 Michigan voters who were sampled have an unfavorable rating of the former First Lady while 45% are favorable.
       If there is a glimmer of hope for her, it is the results were conducted prior to the latest flap involving her opponent's comments about disenchanted gun owners and those who "cling" to their religion in tough times.
      Obama is taking incoming verbal artillery sniper fire from both Clinton and McCain for that, and while he has apparently survived the flap over his pastor, it's unclear in Michigan if this new misstep will cost him votes here.
      One shocking finding apart from the Big Three candidates is the showing of the little fourth candidate, Ralph Nader.  In Detroit he secured 28% of the vote.
      What is in the water in Motown?


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