Trust Me on Jobs
not the defining issue. It would be refreshing to have something else
that preoccupies every candidate and voter but that day seems ions
We again see "jobs" and how to create them at the forefront as
we move toward the long awaited end to the primary season for governor.
So it seemed only fitting to try and nail down the contenders on
how many jobs their policies would create. Ever try to pound a nail
into jell-o?
GOP candidate Pete Hoekstra nailed this: "I can't give you a
number, no. People can give you a number but they're lying."
And he's got plenty of company as virtually everyone, except Rick
Snyder and Mike Cox, refused to tack a number to their economy
Ex-business guy turned Speaker of the House Andy Dillon refused to
play the game. "I resist that kind of thing because I think they're
(promises) theoretical. I want to focus on practical solutions."
His opponent, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero wants nothing to do with
promises either. "I won't give you and exact number now. You never
know how these things will work out."
Or how about Tom George? "I'm not making promises that I don't know
if I can keep or not" and anybody who does, either doesn't understand
the problem or "is trying to pull a fast one."
And there's Mike Bouchard who wants to create a job for everyone
who wants one but who the heck doesn't? No numbers from him either.
"It's a calculated guess," he confesses while remaining confident his
stuff will work.
Mike Cox does play the game and predicts "We'll create hundreds of
thousands of jobs." Has he done any research to back it up? He has
"looked at other states that have re-figured their tax structure" and
he says that has worked. No, he does not have a specific number of
jobs but "You can tell there will be growth."
So sport fans, it boils down to this. Each candidate is telling
you they are the guy to turn things around, but you will just have to
trust them to do do it.
Ah, trust is such a beautiful thing.