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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Awful and Despicable

State Supreme Court Justice Robert Young, Jr. is running for
reelection and the state Democratic Party Chair wants to defeat him in
the worst way. And now Young supporters claim Mark Brewer has found
the worst way to do that by dragging the justice's wife into the
"This is despicable," mutters Justice Young after seeing for the
first time the Internet ad that Brewer may or may not put on the
broadcast air.
In it, Mr. Brewer is judiciously careful not to accuse Young of
any wrong doing, it just lays out the possibility that Young is no
longer a resident of Michigan.
Are you a justice in Michigan or a Justice in Wisconsin? the
commercial wonders.
Here's the deal. For a time earlier this year the Justice's
wife, because of the lousy economy in Michigan, found work in Milwaukee
and from time to time the Justice says he visited his wife and vice
versa as she often came back to Michigan to see him, too.
Somehow Mr. Brewer lifted a quote from what he terms a
"professional biography" in which Dr. Linda Hotchkiss purports to say
she is living in that town ith "her husband, children and family dog."
Hence Mr. Brewer rhetorically asks, has the Justice changed his
residence which would disqualify him from running for the Michigan high
"He know this is untrue," is one of the more milder reactions from
the candidate who goes on to accuse Brewer of being the governor's "pit
viper injecting his venom" all over the campaign trail.
"I have never lived in Wisconsin," he goes on with his defense
saying this attack is "below the belt. It's not even, I think, up to
Mark Brewer's low standards."
Mr. Young say he is fair game, but his wife? "This is just
awful," he opines.
Mr. Brewer says its up to the voters decide who is right in this
latest scrimmage over the seat on the State Supreme Court.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not something that is up to the voters to decide! This is not a "judgment call"--this is a matter of FACT. If Brewer said "the sun is red and grass is purple because Bob Young is on the Court" that would not be a question of judgment or something that reasonable minds can differ about--it would be a LIE.

Why does the media continually let Mark Brewer get away with this?

October 4, 2010 at 1:26 PM 
Anonymous Reasonably skeptical said...

A statement in a "professional biography" is HARDLY proof that Justice Young moved out of Michigan.

That's the BEST Brewer can do?

Has somebody asked the dog?

October 4, 2010 at 2:55 PM 
Blogger metrichead said...

"Yes Mr. Brewer, my wife does work in Wisconsin. She works there because she couldn't find a job in Michigan during the 'Granholm years.'"

October 4, 2010 at 5:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they can't run on their records so they smear- pathetic-just looks at pathetic lying Gary Peters for an example-

October 5, 2010 at 10:07 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never voted a straight ticket in my life. 18 general elections, and countless special elections, with ticket splitting all the way down and through my ballot every time.

But Mr. Brewer and his gang of misfits have caused me to break my string this election.

Straight Republican ticket. Bam.

October 5, 2010 at 11:58 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a FACT that Robert Young Jr. always lived in MI...with his big dog!! His wife lived out of state due to the poor economy for about two years. There is no way that she could have kept that huge dog in an apartment for any length of time. It was really hard for the both of them to be apart. She did come home (to MI) almost every weekend. I know this because I'm a close relative. The attack ad was really cRaZy! I'll be glad when November 2nd gets here!!

October 27, 2010 at 8:48 PM 

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