Gov. to Ignore Lawmakers?
rag-tag recallers didn't lay a glove on him. He got a bunch of stuff
checked off his Reinvent-Michigan check list and last week the
Supreme's said he could legally collect pension money from seniors
starting next year.
But one huge item will be missing from his festive table: The
Bridge which turned out to be a turkey of an issue. (Sorry, couldn't
Try as he could, he could not convince enough members of his own
party to win one for the Nerd. He got stiffed in the senate and the
issue never came up in the GOP House were opposition was just as strong
if not stronger.
But alas, one thing we have learned about this new governor is
that he does not like to lose and for every plan A, tucked in his vest
pocket is a plan B just in case the first one goes in the dumpster.
Stand-by for Bridge Plan B: And end-run around the legislature
whereby the governor gets the bridge without a legislative vote.
Who predicts such a move?
Try the GOP Speaker of the Michigan House for openers.
There is a "very good likelihood he will show us a plan" that
leaves lawmakers out of the equation, hints Rep. Jase Bolger.
Never mind that lawmakers get paid to make these tough decisions,
and keep in mind that the Speaker has shared his thoughts on the
end-run. Nonetheless there is nothing, short of court action, that can
stop the governor from ignoring lawmakers and doing it sans them.
(If that turns out to be wrong, please disregard this blog.)
With Mr. Bolger saying it "doesn't make any sense" for the House
to visit the bridge bill and with the Senate GOP leader declaring it
off the table, if he wants a bridge, the next move is up to Mr. S.
Nobody knows when he will pull this trigger, but if you are a
bridge-backer, be thankful you have an creative governor who knows how
to get what he wants.
The Gov better be careful about end runs with the bridge. New EPIC poll shows folks don't support that bridge.
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