Schuette on Duty
he plays it like a finely tuned violin. Now, not everybody loves the
tune he plays but give him credit, he is a student of this stuff and he
dance around issues with the best of them.
Like the other day at his year in review roundtable (done at an
actual roundtable). Capitol correspondents noted that the GOP attorney
general and the GOP governor are at huge odds over Obama-care.
Mr. Schuette, like all of his predecessors, Mike Cox, Jennifer
Granholm and Frank Kelley, has a knack for picking issues that produces
a windfall of media coverage.
So when Obama-care cleared the Congress, there was Mr. Schuette at
the head of the line to challenge it in the courts. Now he is
challenging Gov. Snyder, too.
The governor wants lawmakers to act on his version of Obama-care
right now..
The A.G. opines, "There is no rush on the health care exchange."
Reporters love it when they can drive a wedge between members of
their own party, so Mr. Schuette was asked about this major
disagreement with the Boss.
Without missing a beat he brushed it off with, "We agree on 95%
of the issues. We are good friends."
So much for the wedgey.
Or how about the A.G's lack-luster record on blocking those
pesky Asian Carp from invading the Great Lakes?
He's staged plenty of news conferences and fired off a ream of
news releases but nothing's been accomplished.
When confronted with the stark reality, he did some fancy foot
work but never confessed to his goose egg. of a record.
And on the presidential contest he backs Mitt Romney, the guy who
bet $10,000 during a debate recently. But Schuette is no big shooter
himself. He says, "I'll bet you 10 bucks" Romney beats President Obama.
Cheap skate.
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