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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gov Won't Make Promise

    Every time the governor ventures out on the stump for Barack Obama, she returns to heightened speculation that if he's elected, she may venture out for good.
     Given a chance to say she would not take a post in a new Obama administration and put an end to the endless speculating, Gov. Jennifer Granholm demurred.
     The question was straightforward, "Will you promise you won't take a job if offered?"
     The answer was not so straightforward.
     "I want to be governor when we have a president that's focused on our issue," she warmed up the fog machine.
       Ah, that was an answer but not to the question asked.
       "I can't get you to say anything other than that?"
        "I want to be governor when we have a president that's focused on our issues," she stayed on message while beginning to smile every so slightly as she picked up the pace to the waiting SUV.
         "You could be governor for a year and then you could leave?"
         Great follow up, hey?
         Now instead of the "I want to be governor" malarkey, the governor gets in the SUV, grabs a back seat and her security guy closes the door with her laughing inside.
         End of interview.
         But not the end of the speculation…not by a long shot.


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