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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Granholm Off Guard

   Gov. Jennifer Granholm often laments that she is not very funny hence she can pretty much rule out being a stand-up comic when she retires at the end of next year.
    But she has an engaging sense of humor and her laugh is a hoot.
    To wit her year end news conference.
     She predictably reports 2010 will be better than 2009 and by definition she'll be right because GM and Chrysler are not expected to lapse back into bankruptcy court next year.
     Her handlers brief her before each of these events hence she is  seldom caught off guard. But it does happen.
    She was asked about her lack of legislative experience and how that may have handicapped her ability get things done.  She lamented that she has not learned the art of forging a compromise "without the ability to hit someone."
    The comment drew this question from the capitol press corps peanut gallery,"Who did you want to hit?"
     The question sat there. The governor's eyes opened, her hand started taping on the table as she said nothing starring into space perhaps seeking divine guidance.  Then the peanut gallery and she started to laugh.
     Another reporter jumped in to move to a different subject, but Granholm was nudged back to the original inquiry. Now her laughter is off the charts as she assemblies this reponse, "You don't want to know."
     Baloney.  Every scribe in the joint wanted to know but she would not budge as she continued to laugh.
     Then as things were winding down, out of nowhere this question hit her between the eyes:  What was most fun for you politically this year?
      As she always does when hit with a question for which there is no prepared answer, she repeated the question to buy some time.
     "What was most fun politically?"
      Here comes the laughter from everyone again and she concludes, "That's a tough one" but never comes up with a response.
      Come on, there must have been some fun such as dealing with Mike Bishop and Andy Dillon.
      Well then again, maybe not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to take a look at that blog. I think you could make your blog better if you do what he does.

December 24, 2009 at 2:15 PM 

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