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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Inferiority Complex

Inferiority Complex
    On most days trying to goad the governor to say something negative about her adopted state is like trying to convince Hillary Clinton that Barack Obama deserves to be president.
     The always rosy-eye and ultra-optimistic governor did have to face reality square in the face the other day however when she was asked on Michigan Public radio if Michigan had an inferiority complex?
     "I think we do," she sheepishly confessed hoping that nobody was listening. 
      Doing a blog about the state's self-concept at this time of the year only underscores the notion that we are our own worst enemies.
      Are we sick of winter?
      Are we sick of downsizing?
      Are we sick of potholes?
      Are we sick of the Mayor's dalliances in Detroit?
      And dare say, are we sick of each other?
      Yes to the 5th power.
       And we are not exactly doing anything to enhance that image to the rest of the country.
       Last fall Michigan came within a whisker of a budgetary meltdown which featured a brief shutdown of state government.
       Then state government followed that up by performing a huge flip-flop by first adopting a sales tax on services and then under the crush of public opposition, they undid what they did.  The nation got another chuckle.
        Now there is the aforementioned "problem" in Detroit which Nightline has inspected and it's only a matter of time before Jay, David, and the other late night boys pile on.
        And in recent days the absolute debacle over the Michigan Presidential Primary and the on again off again re-do of the election, must have the nation asking, "What the heck is in the water in Michigan?"
        Inferiority complex?
        At least were good at something.


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