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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ho-Hum Day: Not

Ho-Hum Day:  Not
     It really did start out as a ho-hum day in the Michigan Senate.  Everyone is looking forward to getting the heck out of here for a while, but then senate democrats turned a ho-hummer into hum-dinger.
     They emerged from a close door caucus and promptly announced there were not enough votes to create a re-do democratic primary for president.
     Reporters always like to reduce stories to their simplest terms so the question was, "Is the primary dead?"
     Well nothing is really dead in the legislative process until you toss the last shovel full of dirt on the grave, so key lawmakers chose different words that all but meant the same thing.
     Senator Buzz Thomas, Obama supporter from Detroit:  Is the re-do on life support and somebody has their finger on the switch?
     "That's a fair statement," he sort of smiled.
     Senator Gretchen Whitmer, Clinton supporter from East Lansing: Would you say the re-do is dead?
     "I've been around here long enough to know that nothing is ever really dead but (the re-do) needs CPR," she chuckled.
      Once those words via the media reached the ears of Debbie Dingell and Ron Gettlefinger they reportedly hit the phones to apply that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
      Recall that the UAW chieftain and Ms. Dingell were part of the gang of four that hammered out the "deal" to stage another vote.
      Gettlefinger reportedly told some legislative democrats that not moving on the election was a national embarrassment for Michigan.  He's always been the master of understatement.
       He and she could pull this off but the Obama camp does not favor another vote which makes the CPR tougher.
       Gov. Jennifer Granholm really wants this primary, too, but at the end of a long and adventurous day, a source familiar with her thinking on whether Obama would give the green light whispered, "He's not going to do it."
       Baring an 11th hour miracle, she's got that right.


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