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In and outs of the political campaigns, focusing on Michigan and Lansing, Tim Skubick will report regularly throughout the primary and then general election campaigns.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nowhere To Be Found

  Nowhere to be Found
      Let's be generous here.  The sometimes frosty relationship between the good folks in the governor's office and the good folks in a certain mayor's office has produced lots of caustic exchanges all below the radar screen even though the two democrats profess to be good friends.
      So when the mayor of that certain city faced 12 counts of allegedly playing fast and loose with the law, Gov. Jennifer Granholm did not come to his rescue as she was conveniently over 500 miles away from Motown.
      It's unlikely that any of the Detroit stations bothered to track her down in the Upper Peninsula which must have been fine by her as she was not about to come to his rescue anyway.
      "This has been on the schedule for sometime," the governor's press person noted when reporters inquired as to the governor's where-abouts.
        Indeed the governor was not running and hiding from the unfolding drama surrounding Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and she was not changing her tune either in the wake of the indictments from the Wayne County prosecutor's office.
        Bottom-line the governor continues to stay out of all this noting that it's in the legal system and she has no intentions of wading into same.
         All of that is well and good but the governor has also said she wants a "quick" solution to the text messaging mess, but with the mayor fixin' to head into the court system, a quick resolution is not likely.
         Some say the governor could trump the judicial system and act now to remove the mayor.  She says she needs a conviction before her office would even consider holding a hearing on the matter if then.
         Maybe when she returns from the safety of the U.P. we can get her to say that on camera.  Beat she can hardly wait for that.


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